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The Struggles of Studying Abroad

Writer's picture: Ella WellsElla Wells

A lot of people (including myself) tend to focus on all of the amazing benefits of going on an exchange, and how it makes you grow as a person, become more independent etc. However, I think it's important to talk about the struggles you can go through as well. It's not easy to throw yourself into a new lifestyle, and sometimes it can be tough mentally and physically. Here are a few struggles I've come across in my time here so far.

#1) The long term effects of changing time zones

The initial symptoms of jet-lag tend to fade away a few days after arrival, but a lot of people don't realize that there are also some long term affects to your internal clock as well. When you move to a completely different time zone, it's hard to acclimate immediately. I've been here for about 4 weeks now, and I've noticed that I'll still get really tired around 5 or 6pm, which is around bedtime back home in the US. In fact, some recent studies show that chronic jet lag can cause long-term brain changes that lead to problems for at least a month after return to a normal schedule. It's not simply "not getting enough sleep", the bodies' circadian rhythm is off- and it's not easy to get back on track!

#2) Not having access to the things you're used to

It may sound like common sense, but it's really tough to look for something everywhere, only to realize it's not there. From little things like food in the fridge or shampoo in the shower to big things like transportation and spending money- every change can impact your mood. Sometimes we're so used to our routines back home that we don't actually realize what we're used to until it's gone.

#3) Making good friends

This may seem strange, because making friends sounds like a good thing. That's the whole point of doing an exchange, right? While it's true that making friends is an awesome part of the experience, it's hard to come to terms with the fact that you'll most likely never see a lot of them in a few months. Whether it's another exchange student or local kids at your school, saying goodbye will be hard if you make any true friends. It's quite bittersweet, but studying abroad is all about living in the moment- so it's best not to dwell on this fact!

Like I said before, most people like to focus on the "highlight reel" moments that make up the study abroad journey- but there are plenty of low points as well. While I don't think it's healthy to get caught up in all of the "cons" you come across, it is important to address what is confusing, difficult or different in order to grow and move on. While not everyday abroad may be perfect, everyday is an opportunity to learn something new... don't pass it up!


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About Me

I spent a year of high school studying abroad in New Zealand. This blog is all about my junior year as a foreign exchange student and life as a

"Kiwi". Here you'll find tips (aka things I wish I'd known), foodie posts, & accounts on my life overseas.


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